About Episcopalians…

As Episcopalians, we support and encourage those who wish to follow our particular pattern of Christian life. This pattern is marked by daily prayer and scripture study, gathering with others in regular common worship, and practicing the commitments of our Baptismal Covenant. In this covenant, we promise:

  • To continue in the apostle’s teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers.

  • To persevere in resisting evil, and, whenever we fall into sin, to repent and return to the Lord.

  • To proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ.

  • To seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves.

  • To strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being.

At Christ the King, we live into these promises by gathering together for worship; by studying scripture and how it relates to our lives; by praying together and deepening our own connection to God; by offering service to others within our parish, in our neighborhood and in the wider community; and by sharing our resources to support the work of the church.

Our Episcopal Identity

The Episcopal Church in Colorado

We are a parish connected with 95 other worshiping communities in the Episcopal Church in Colorado under the leadership of Bishop Kym Lucas committed to living out the mission of the Church.

The Front Range Region

The Front Range Region seeks to serve Christ in our churches and regional special ministries by promoting healthy organizational relationships and providing support for congregational development, through the sharing of our spiritual, human, financial, and material resources.

The Episcopal Church

We join together with the many dioceses and parishes of the Episcopal Church. We all worship with the Book of Common Prayer, and share in our desire to impact our world for Christ.

Our Anglican Distinctives

The Anglican Communion

Over 80 million members of the Anglicans/Episcopalian family of churches in 165 countries have grown out of the Church of England.

Episcopalians rely on the “three-legged stool” of authority. We seek a balance between Scripture, Tradition and Reason in our belief, trusting that God has been revealed in the Bible, that the Spirit moved in the history of the Church, and that God encourages us to find his presence in our lives today.

We live into the via media — or “middle way”— as both Catholic and Protestant. This approach often is used when we are presented with conflict, looking for the broad middle. We feel that our praying together shapes our Christian belief and practice. In this way, we invite all who desire a deeper relationship with the living Christ to worship with us.