Worship ministries

In the Episcopal Church, we share in leading the worship service. This work begins well before the service starts, as the Altar Guild prepares the sanctuary for worship. The Ushers welcome people as they enter the church and assist them with necessary worship materials. The Altar Servers light the candles, lead the processions, and assist the priest during the offertory and communion. The Readers share the scripture and lead congregational prayers, and the Eucharistic Ministers assist the priest in distributing communion.

If you are interested in assisting with any of these ministries, please contact Rev. Becky for more information.

Altar Guild

Our mission is to make the sanctuary a welcoming and peaceful place to gather and pray. Each week a team of Altar Guild members prepare the sanctuary for Sunday services.

Banners, flowers, vestments, candles, and other decorations are changed to reflect the seasons of the church year, and there are many opportunities for members to use their interests, strengths and creativity to support our ministry. New members are paired with experienced members for a training period.

sunday servers

Many people help to lead our worship and provide hospitality on Sunday mornings. Training is offered for each different ministry.

Worship Leader

Master of Ceremonies (MC)

Leads the procession carrying the cross. Organizes all the other worship leaders for the service.

Altar Server

The Altar Servers include a Master of Ceremonies and two servers. The MC checks to make sure all the service participants are present and, when necessary, may fill in for someone who is absent.


Our readers share the first two scripture readings with the congregation and lead the psalm and the congregational prayers.


Offers the prayers

Usher & greeters

The Ushers arrive about 15 minutes before the service begins. Greet worshippers, distribute programs, receive and present offerings. Answer question people might have and assist with any unexpected emergencies that arise.

Greeters welcomes people as they enter the narthex, helps them find what they need (coatrack, bathroom, nursery, etc.)

Eucharistic Minister

Our Eucharistic Ministers serve the chalice (with wine) to the congregation.

Prayer Network

Our Prayer Network team are parishioners who daily devote time to pray for the needs of others. They receive requests to pray for members of Christ the King, our families, friends, neighbors, and for concerns of the congregation and community. Cathie Craig compiles and emails a weekly prayer list and also sends additional prayer requests that come in throughout the week. Emergency prayer requests are called by team members.

Eucharistic Visitors

Twice a month on Sundays, our Eucharistic Visitors take communion to members of the parish who are unable to attend services.  Eucharistic Visitors receive specialized training, offered once a year through the Diocese.

Step Up to Serve!

Please fill out the form below to let us know that you are interested in serving.